Monday, April 15, 2013

What to Wear: Test Day

This past Saturday was the oh so dreaded day when I took my ACT. For those of you who aren't aware what the ACT is, the ACT is a standardized test which one commonly takes in 11th or 12th grade for college admission. It consists of four sections- English, Math, Science and Reading-  and includes an optional writing portion that is required by some colleges. Subject scores range from a 1 to a 36, and are later all added up to equal a composite score which is your average. 
I've always been quite an anxious person, so it was no surprise to me that I would find myself throwing up, crying, and cold from head to toe the day before the exam. Despite this, I tried to force myself to go to sleep at a reasonable time to get a good night sleep but well, things didn't go according to plan. I found myself turning from left to right on my bed and got out of bed at 4 in the morning giving up on the attempt of sleeping. Since I wasn't scheduled to be at the testing center until 8, I showered and finished putting all my things together.
Once I got to the testing center, I walked to my designated room and took my assigned seat. As I had mentioned in a previous post, I have a habit of overpacking. I opened my bag and had to navigate through it to search for my pencils and eraser. By the time I finished gathering all my supplies, most of the room had been filled up by sleepy teenagers in sweatpants, crocs, and hoodies. A fashion disaster if you ask me! Which reminds me of why I first started writing this post. I wanted to share my experience and give you advice for your big test day, so if you're interested keep reading on(:

What to Wear:
I understand that one wishes to be comfortable on such a long test, but why turn yourself into a walking fashion crime when you can look cute and still look fashionable! Below are some of my outfit suggestions for your big test day:
My first outfit suggestion consists of a more laid-back look. A simple black top and leggings can never go wrong and will guarantee you to not get distracted by the bright colors. Make sure to bring a hoodie/sweater to keep you warm because some rooms seem like a freezer room. Lastly, bring a watch to help you keep track of the time.

For those of you who prefer a more put together look, you can never go wrong with some trousers and a sweater. The oxfords add a nice touch to it, and a side ponytail will keep all the hairs away from you face.

What to Bring:
To avoid bringing more things than necessary or forgetting something, check out the photo:
  1. Bring pencils! For the ACT they do not allow mechanical pencils, so make sure you bring plenty of pencils. 
  2. Calculators are allowed for the math portion, but make sure you check what models are prohibited beforehand.
  3. After being stuck in a room for almost 5 hours, you're bound to be thirsty so make sure to bring a water bottle.
  4. Breaks are only 10 minutes, so bring a snack to eat in case you get hungry.
  5. Some form of identification is needed to be allowed, so bring an ID or passport.
  6. Studies have shown that gum helps people concentrate, so I'd highly suggest to bring some.
  7. Hair ties
  8. An eraser
  9. Some rooms may not have a sharpener so I suggest for you to bring a portable sharpener. 

Hopefully these tips helped you and stay tune for other posts!
- Ashley(:

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Bag Essentials

If you're like me, you probably tend to carry a bag full of items you'll never need. Chances are if I'm stranded in a shady neighborhood in the middle of the night, the last thing I'll need is a pair of fuzzy socks. But despite me knowing this, I have the bad habit of throwing random things into my purse. Seeing as to how embarrassing it was to have to spend 10 minutes going through my bag just to find my phone (needless to say I missed the phone call, and well my mom wasn't so happy) I decided enough is enough, I will no longer carry more than neededSo I thought this post might help others who face the same problem as I do.

1. Bag - Okay, so I may not have a Mulberry (let a girl dream though) but the first thing would be to invest in a good bag that can hold up to all the use you'll give it.
2. Sunglasses - I live in Miami. So the sun is always shining, even in the winter! So to keep my eyes protected I always carry sunglasses (plus it helps hide dark circles if you're too lazy to put on make-up)
3. Wallet - Well, where else would you keep your money? Digging through your purse to find coins and bills to pay for your purchase while there's a huge line behind you isn't the best idea.
4. Water - I get thirsty easily. Plus with the heat here in Miami, it's not hard to get dehydrated so I always make sure to carry one with me.
5. Gum - I always need to have something to chew on, plus it's always great to keep some in case of bad breath.
6. Phone - It's my life. 
7. Headphones - I'm always listening to music, always.
8. Hair ties - Having long hair can be a blessing and a curse. It looks nice, but when it starts to get hot the last thing you want is to have your hair sticking to you.
9. Medicine/EpiPen - I always have to have an EpiPen with me due to all the food allergies I have.  This varies though and is not necessary to all people.

Hopefully, this post helped you get an idea on essentials to carry in your purse. Of course you do not have to carry all of this, and you are not limited to this. 
Stay tune for our other posts as well!
- Ashley xX

About the Bloggers

Hello! If you're currently reading this it means you've stumbled upon our new blog, Stitched by the Seams. You might be a tad bit curious to know more about the two bloggers who will be running this blog so we've decided to do a small little About the Bloggers. So if you're interested in getting to know us a little bit more, please keep on reading(:

Meet Daisy
  1. Five songs currently on your playlist:
    • Glad You Came - The Wanted
    • All Time Low - The Wanted
    • Weakness - The Wanted
    • Dance With Me - Olly Murs
    • Heart Skips a Beat - Olly Murs
  2. How would you describe your style?
    • Casual
  3. Describe your ideal date:
    • My ideal date would be for him to surprise me<3 but choosing it would be to have a picnic at a beach and stay after to have a late night swim and see the stars at night :3
  4. Words you live by:
    • "Follow the dream. Work hard. Inspire and be inspired." - Nathan Sykes 
  5. Favorite color?
    • Red :)
  6. What is your favorite band/singer?
    • The Wanted!! All the Way!
  7. What is your favorite thing to eat?
    • Steak with mash potatoes :)
  8. What do you like most about yourself? 
    • What I like about myself is my personality, and the way how I am with others.
  9. Do you consider yourself the life of the party?
    • Not really
  10. When I was kid, I wanted to be?
    • When I was a kid I wanted to be so many things!! But one that I really wanted was to form a band group like the Cheetah Girls.
  11. Astrological sign?
    • Capricorn
  12. Most random thing you own?
    • The most random thing that I own will have to be a very old subway card from NY
  13. Where would you like to travel?
    • I would love to travel the whole entire world! Especially Europe <33
Meet Ashley
  1. Five songs currently on your playlist:
    • Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood
    • When I Was Your Man - Bruno Mars
    • This Is What Makes Us Girls - Lana Del Rey
    • End of the Road - Boyz II Men
    • I'll Be Your Strength - The Wanted
  2. How would you describe your style?
    • Edgy/hobo chic
  3. Describe your ideal date:
    • A stay at home date or something completely childish!
  4. Words you live by:
    • Live fast and die young
  5. Favorite color?
    • Black and burgundy
  6. What is your favorite band/singer?
    • I have too many, you can't make me choose! It's like asking a mother to choose her favorite child, it's impossible!
  7. What is your favorite thing to eat?
    • Frozen yogurt (it's almost an addiction)
  8. What do you like most about yourself? 
    • My hair I suppose
  9. Do you consider yourself the life of the party?
    • Eh, not really
  10. When I was kid, I wanted to be?
    • A dragon (I blame Dragon Tales)
  11. Astrological sign?
    • Gemini
  12. Most random thing you own?
    • A light-saber
  13. Where would you like to travel?
    • England<3